Die neue Version 0.8.1 beta des WFS 2.0 Client steht im offiziellen QGIS Repositorium zur Verfügung. Folgende Funktionalitäten würden hinzugefügt:
- Unterstützung von WFS 2.0 Server mit HTTP-Authentifizierung
- Ausgabe der durchgeführten WFS 2.0 Anfragen im QGIS Protokollfenster
- Integration eines MetadatenViewers für verknüpfte ISO 19115/19139 Metadaten
Des Weiteren wurden die WFS 2.0 Anfragen hinsichtlich ihrer Standardkonformität verbessert.
Der Client unterstützt nun auch WFS 2.0 Server, die über eine HTTP-Authentifizierung abgesichert sind.
Ausgabe der durchgeführten WFS-Anfragen im QGIS-Protokollfenster
Die vom WFS 2.0 Client durchgeführten Anfragen werden über das Protokollsystem von QGIS ausgegeben. Das Protokollfenster befindet sich im QGIS Menü unter:
Ansicht –> Bedienfelder –> Protokoll
Für Fragen und Anregungen bitte die Kommentarfunktion verwenden.
I tried to view our WFS with Parcels from Czech Republic, INSPIRE (http://services.cuzk.cz/wfs/inspire-cp-wfs.asp?request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS) and I have a problem with viewing of polygons from layer „CP:CadastralParcel“. This Layer contains reference point and polygon of parcel, but I see only reference point.
Boundaries from layer „CP:CadastralBoundary“ I see fine.
Could you help me?
Thanks Petr
Hi Petr,
the plugin uses the OGR-Driver to load the data into QGIS. OGR does not support multiple geometries in one feature. I’m looking for a solution on this.
INFO: Open of `wfsZHCXHB.gml'
using driver `GML' successful.
1: CadastralParcel (Point)
More on this topic: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/37217/why-are-the-polygons-in-my-gml-not-rendered
I tried to view our WFS with Addresses from Czech Republic, INSPIRE. I can’t sent you URL, because we have it only on local network, but it contains only one layer called AD:Address, which should contain points.
In browser it works fine, but when I try to download data via your plugin, I got an error message. I checked well that it has nothing to do with limits of BBOX or feature limit. When I try to download data for the same area where I was successful with browser query, I get window saying: „Download Failed: Internal Server Error“. Do you have any idea if that’s the fault of your plugin, or is it something inside our WFS?
Please check the request log for further information (used GetFeature-Request).
Theres a request for getCapabilities (which ran fine) and last log is:
I hope that’s all.
Now I see that error. There are still no addresses on page http://services.cuzk.cz/handlers/wfs.ashx? , WFS is in testing mode only for now and it’s on another URL.
OK, thank you.
count = 0 (maxFeatures) will return 0 Features
Thanks for help.
We changed getCapabilities and it works fine now. If you’re interested about it, pilot version is available now at http://services.cuzk.cz/wfs/inspire-ad-wfs.asp
Hello again,
We’re trying to implement StoredQueries in INSPIRE theme CP and we have some problems with viewing it in WFS 2.0.0 Plugin for QGIS.
In a browser requests run fine, but when I tried same requests via your plugin, I’ve got this error:
Během vykonávání Python kódu se objevila chyba:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File „C:/Users/medm/.qgis//python/plugins\wfsclient\wfsclientdialog.py“, line 727, in httpRequestFinished
root = ElementTree.parse(str(self.outFile.fileName())).getroot()
File „C:\PROGRA~1\Quantum GIS Lisboa\apps\Python27\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py“, line 1177, in parse
tree.parse(source, parser)
File „C:\PROGRA~1\Quantum GIS Lisboa\apps\Python27\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py“, line 654, in parse
self._root = parser.close()
File „C:\PROGRA~1\Quantum GIS Lisboa\apps\Python27\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py“, line 1636, in close
File „C:\PROGRA~1\Quantum GIS Lisboa\apps\Python27\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py“, line 1488, in _raiseerror
raise err
ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 0
Verze Pythonu:
2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
QGIS verze:
1.8.0-Lisboa Lisboa, f440b60
Python cesta: [‚C:/PROGRA~1/Quantum GIS Lisboa/apps/qgis/./python‘, ‚C:/Users/medm/.qgis//python‘, ‚C:/Users/medm/.qgis//python/plugins‘, ‚C:/PROGRA~1/Quantum GIS Lisboa/apps/qgis/./python/plugins‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\bin\\python27.zip‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\DLLs‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\plat-win‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\qgis\\bin‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\win32‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\wx-2.8-msw-unicode‘, ‚C:\\PROGRA~1\\Quantum GIS Lisboa\\apps\\qgis\\python\\plugins\\fTools\\tools‘]
Here are request how it ran fine in browser:http://services.cuzk.cz/wfs/inspire-cp-wfs.asp?service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&StoredQuery_id=GetZoning&srsName=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5514&NAZEV=Doma%
If you try it in QGIS, you should fill the field NAZEV with Doma%. Maybe it won’t let it go with other field empty. If so, try to fill it with: %
After that it throw previous error.
Do you know what can be a problem?
Thanks, Michal
Sorry, request won’t work in a browser like this, it has to be
Sorry, I’m not able to sent you request link because I’m not familiar with wordpress and there are some wordpress-unfriendly symbols in link.
I’m still having the same problem and I’ve started a topic on stackoverflow, ehre is everything described. :
do you have any idea where is the problem?
Thanks in advance
Answered on stackoverflow